Buy Cystone online without prescription in Worldwide Pharmacies

Cystone is combined herbal preparation which has a diuretic, antispasmodic, litholytic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The remedy reduces the concentration in the urine of elements that contribute to the formation of stones, and increases elements which inhibit the stones forming (sodium, magnesium, potassium). Acting on the mucin, the medicine helps the disintegration of stones, leads to their demineralization. Medication prevents the accumulation of particles around the nucleus of stone, which prevents its further growth. Stimulating diuresis and relaxing the smooth urinary tract muscles, medicament assists the removal of phosphate salts, oxalate, uric acid and small stones from the urinary tract. Litholytic effect of the product does not depend on the pH of urine. Cystone 4 bottles can be ordered by individuals online. The therapeutic effect is specified due to a complex action of its components, therefore a kinetic observation is not possible. You may take the remedy under litholysis concretions formed urate and uric acid, in the treating of diseases of the urinary system infectious etiology (pyelitis, nonspecific urethritis, cystitis), gout, urinary incontinence in women. It is not recommended for patients with urinary tract obstruction due to the large size of the stones (more than 10 mm in diameter according to additional research methods). With the development of pain intensity in patients receiving treatment should be discontinued. Effect of the drug develops gradually, which should be considered before appointment. If you wish to buy Cystone online you need to visit Internet pharmacies.

Generic name: Cystone
Brand name: Cystone