7daypharmacy.net is an information multifunctional international service of search of instructions for use of medical goods, and relevant existence of medical goods in Internet drugstores, in such countries as United States of America, Canada, Great Britain / United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, in search you can use function of comparing prices for goods by individual countries. Service covers the most various categories of medical goods: Drugs, Vitamins and Dietary supplements, Daily hygiene, Medical cosmetics, Products for children and mothers, Medical equipment and so on.

We do not sell goods and we do not organize their delivery, we work in order that the buyer could quickly and conveniently find the most favorable offer. For those who are determined with the choice, in each section there is a selection for the price with detailed information about the seller of the offered goods. Also the convenient text search is available, allowing you to look for both the necessary instructions for use of medicines, and specific goods by the name. And on the page of each product there is detailed information which will help you to make the decision: instructions for use, a brief description, analogues of drugs and medical products, current prices in online pharmacies in many countries and reviews of users of the catalog. There is also a block “Where to buy?” with a list of Internet drugstores, prices, store information, direct links to the purchase page.

What’s great about this site is they have such a wide selection of products and online pharmacies in which I repeatedly ordered the necessary goods even when traveling to different countries. Thanks to this catalog of pharmacies for providing quality information about products and pharmacies around the world.
– John, Wellington
I have been buying brand meds name for years and it never crossed my mind how much cheaper the generic versions were. When I started browsing the items I couldn’t believe the price difference! Thanks to the 7daypharmacy information catalog for a wide selection of international online pharmacies.
– Eric, London
I was not sure whether it would be so easy to buy medicine through the Internet in international pharmacies, as I always bought goods at a pharmacy near my home or work. It turned out that ordering and buying medical supplies in online pharmacies is very convenient. Reliable information about prices and availability in international online pharmacies is a high-quality work directory 7DAY!
– Jenna, Leeds