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Buy Parlodel online without prescription in Worldwide Pharmacies

Parlodel is a specific agonist (stimulator) of dopamine receptors (mainly the type D2). The main active substance is Вromocriptine. This matter actively influences on the circulation of dopamine and noradrenalin in the central nervous system and mostly diminishes the serotonin release. In case with stimulating actions on the dopamine receptors of hypothalamus (the level of brain) this preparation renders some typical braking influence on the hormones’ secretion (allocation), especially prolactin (the hormone stimulated some processes of lactation) and somatotropin (growth hormone). Endogenous dopamine is a physiological inhibitor of these hormones’ secretion. The medication also doesn’t disturb the prolactin’s synthesis. This medicant renders an emetic action, brings down the body temperature, diminishes the akinesia (sharp shortening of movements’ dimension) called by reserpine and some neuroleptics. This preparation brings down the hypotensive (lowering arterial pressure) action called with influence on the central nervous system, sympathetic nervous terminations and vessels’ smooth musculature. Parlodel 2.5mg 90 pills are mostly applied in obstetrical and gynecological practice. Besides this drug is employed under Cushing’s syndrome (obesity accompanied by sexual function’s lowering, heightening of bones fragility owing to the strengthening discharge of hypophysis’s adrenocorticotrophic hormone), acromegalia (endocrinous sickness accompanied by enlarging the dimension of hands, nose, lower jaw, etc.), parkinsonism and so on. You may buy Parlodel online at home through our medical internet-portal.

Generic name: Вromocriptine
Brand name: Proctinal, Parlodel