Viagra vs. Sildenafil: What you need to know and which is more effective?
In the U.S. and around the world, there are several pill-based treatments for male erectile dysfunction (ED). The most well-known is, of course, Viagra. It has the longest history of FDA approval and similar approval for sale in hundreds of other countries.
Also known as ‘the little blue pill’, thanks to its color and shape, Viagra, is globally recognized as a treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). Men of any age can suffer from erectile dysfunction, and in many cases Viagra or pills from other pharmacy brands can be purchased online, over the counter (without a doctors appointment), and even in dispensers in men’s public toilets, and often found in toilets in bars, pubs and restaurants around the world, alongside condoms.
Erectile dysfunction most men who suffer from it are keen to cure. It can cause emotional stress, anxiety, self esteem, and it can cause difficulties in relationships. Sex, or at least penetrative sex, isn’t possible without an erection, making this a frustrating and potentially upsetting and embarrassing problem to have. Men can’t masturbate without the ability to get an erection either, making it equally useful to find a quick solution to this problem.
Viagra vs Sildenafil: What is the difference?
Viagra is the most well-known brand, globally, for erectile dysfunction.
However, if you’ve been searching for ED medicine you’ve probably noticed Sildenafil is sold alongside it, as something that works equally well for treating erectile dysfunction. Why are the products often sold alongside one another?
The main reason is, they both do the same job. They are both designed to treat erectile dysfunction as they contain the same active ingredient, which ultimately is the cure for erectile dysfunction.
Sildenafil, or sildenafil citrate, is the key active ingredient in Viagra. Whereas Viagra is a brand name, for a pill that contains sildenafil citrate as the active ingredient. Viagra was created and is still owned and marketed by Pfizer.
Interestingly, although Pfizer was the first to sell Sildenafil – labelled as Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction, it was originally designed as a cure, or at least a treatment for patients with cardiovascular diseases (e.g. pulmonary arterial hypertension and increased blood pressure in the lungs), and in some cases, Viagra and Sildenafil is still used that way. It was never directly intended as something that would solve erectile dysfunction, but that is how its been branded and sold ever since 1998, with other medicines in place that more effectively solve or treat cardiovascular diseases without the unexpected outcome of a man taking those pills getting an erection.
Pfizer got the patent and FDA approval for Viagra in 1998. However, because the global patent for this expired in 2012, there was nothing stopping other drugs companies from selling Sildenafil globally, in direct competition to the drug containing the same active ingredient, Sildenafil. As a multi-billion dollar leading drugs manufacturer, Pfizer, challenged the expired patent, and although they retained the brand Viagra, there is nothing stopping other companies from selling Sildenafil pills that are FDA approved. Most drugs companies label them as Sildenafil, although some brands use different names in different countries. Viagra remains a brand name and the intellectual property of Pfizer, which means that not other drug company is allowed to use that name, even when they contain the same active ingredient and same dosages.
When buying Sildenafil, make sure the active ingredient is listed as Sildenafil, or sildenafil citrate. Don’t risk buying pills that don’t contain that active ingredient, even if they are blue and claim to do the same as Viagra or Sildenafil, because chances are they won’t do what it says on the label. In some cases, because the ingredients in these deal with the flow of blood within the body, you want to make sure what you are taking is FDA approved and therefore safe.
Alongside its competitor, Viagra, Sildenafil is usually sold in dosages of 20, 25, 50 and 100mgs. You can also buy Sildenafil in a sold in a cream, capsule and liquid format, with instructions for how to use and confirmation of FDA and other comparable national drug approval certificates.
Viagra vs Sildenafil: Is one more effective than the other?
No, not really.
Because they both contain the same active ingredient, Sildenafil, or sildenafil citrate, a patient should be able to gain the same results whether or not they’ve bought Viagra or Sildenafil.
The dosages for Viagra are usually slightly different than what you find in Sildenafil tablets or capsules. Typically, Viagra is sold with 25mg, 50mg and 100mg dosages, which is slightly more of the active ingredient than you find at the smaller scale for Sildenafil tablets.
In both cases, whether you’ve taken Viagra or Sildenafil, the active ingredient works fairly quickly. Providing you are taking them at a time when an erection would be convenient – not in the middle of an important meeting, for example – and you are by yourself or with a partner, then after taking a pill (or using cream) you should notice the results pretty quickly.
Providing whichever one you have taken has worked, you should find that this is a cure for erectile dysfunction. You should find that you’ve got the erection you wanted. Although a health warning associated with Viagra or Sildenafil is that if an erection lasts longer than expected – say more than 4 hours – it might be worth seeing or calling a doctor. It should go down naturally (usually after having sex or masturbating at least once), but if that doesn’t happen then seeking medical advice is often the best course of action.
It is also worth noting, that if you are someone who stays erect normally after an orgasm, you might find this is the case after taking a pill to cure erectile dysfunction. However, if an orgasm causes you to lose an erection, at least temporarily, you might find while on Viagra or Sildenafil, you stay erect for longer than you normally would. Don’t worry about this, unless it lasts for several hours or more; in which case, seeking medical advice is recommended.
Are there any differences between Viagra and Sildenafil?
Only one, and it’s quite important.
Between the two, Viagra is still more well known, even though the active ingredient is the same and therefore both effectively do the same job. But with Viagra being a brand name of one of the world’s biggest drugs companies, products labelled Sildenafil can’t call themselves “Viagra”, which means that Viagra costs a premium as a brand and one associated with it being the “little blue pill.”
In some cases, the price difference can be quite stark. In the U.S., a single 50mg Viagra tablet can cost as much as $70.00. Whereas, in some cases, online you can buy generic Sildenafil tablets for as low as $3.00. Often, the price difference is usually a 3 to 4 times multiple, comparing Viagra to much cheaper Sildenafil tablets.
Both do the same job.
Both are designed to treat erectile dysfunction, but one is definitely more expensive. In summary, you can be confident that both are going to solve this problem.
What happens if Sildenafil or Viagra doesn’t cure erectile dysfunction?
Firstly, it’s important to remember to take whichever pill you want within an hour of any expected sexual activity.
It is also useful to remember to take this on an empty stomach, as digesting food could slow down the pill working and getting into the bloodstream. If alcohol has previously caused erection problems, then maybe limit the amount you drink before and after taking either Sildenafil or Viagra.
Anyone taking either Sildenafil or Viagra need to remember that they don’t work in isolation. It helps, in fact it’s necessary to be wanting to initiate some kind of sexual activity. You need to be stimulated and aroused for the active ingredient to start working as it should.
There are a number of other factors that could influence how effective these pills are and how quickly they work. The dosage. It could be that you aren’t taking a high enough dosage to do what you want as quickly as you want, and in that case it could be worth buying a higher dosage online or speaking to a doctor about what has already been tried and the results so far.
Other factors to consider include a person’s general health. If someone is in poor health, a pill alone might not guarantee getting an erection. Other medications that a man is taking while also taking Sildenafil or Viagra should also be taken into consideration. If you are taking something that doesn’t agree with the active ingredient then that could stop it from working. Heart medication could interact in a negative way way with Sildenafil or Viagra, because they’re both designed to increase blood flow through the body. It might be worth speaking to a doctor if you aren’t sure about whether you should be taking this.
Age and someone’s psychological health – such as stress or anxiety – can also contribute to whether or not Sildenafil or Viagra is successful at solving erectile dysfunction.
If in doubt, or if it doesn’t work as hoped, it’s always useful to consult a doctor or another medical professional. If the problem appears more health or psychological, then it’s equally worth speaking to a suitable medical professional, or making appropriate lifestyle changes. In the long-term, Sildenafil or Viagra is not a permanent solution for getting an erection. If this keeps happening then seeking appropriate help and support would be advisable to ensure a man can get an erection naturally and doesn’t need to rely on medication to get an erection. As a short-term solution, because Sildenafil and Viagra contain the same active ingredient, they are both useful as a cure for erectile dysfunction.
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